I canceled my subscription
To my feelings for him
As ruthlessly as a college student
After the free trial is up
But like any service
They emailed once a month
To remind me, I could go back
Like an addict, I fell
Into the fantasy that
My drug of choice could cure all
And invested in a drug
That would destroy me
If I let it
And I tried to let it
But like a child watching T.V.
I felt empty after each episode
And angry at the commercials
For reminding me the movie is not mine
That even though I knew every line
I could not fast forward to the good parts
And if I could, they would somehow mean less
I abandoned the comfort unwillingly,
But when I did, I discovered
The Student discount,
The clarity of a clear mind,
And Netflix.
In the new him,
I have found peace rather than war
And now you couldn’t pay me
To resubscribe to those old feelings